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How to use

intertidal safari how to use


Click “Habitat” to know more about the intertidal habitats and the actual local locations. Here we categorise the local intertidal habitats into 6 main types, namely Estuary, Pebble beach, Mangrove, Mudflat, Rocky Shore and Sandflat, but remember there are way more habitats in reality than the listed types and each habitat can be unique due to the interactions of geographical condition, wave action and other factors.



We have picked 10 intertidal field sites, these sites are distinct and are relatively easy to access, see “Location” for the features, traffic details and more.



Telling which species is which may seem an impossible task at first sight, here we have listed 100+ common species that can be found in the intertidal habitats. Similar species are placed into taxa (groups) and for each species, there are information on where to find and fun facts about them. ID (short for identification) features are included for some similar looking species, click “Species” to check it right away.



Go check the “Quiz” to see if you are an intertidal guru. Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with the habitats and species, you can find most of the answers on our website!

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