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Lamarck's Porcelain Crab


Petrolisthes lamarckii

Similar to crabs, but not classified as such because it has three pairs of legs instead of four. It also has a long antennae and walking legs.

儘管牠很像螃蟹,但您可以通過牠的一對長觸角和腿的數目(瓷蟹中有 3 對,螃蟹中有 4 對)將其與真正的螃蟹區分開來瓷蟹實際上屬於寄居蟹,與螃蟹不同

Filter feeders that feed on plankton and organic matters.


Similar in appearance to its close relatives, the Japanese Porcelain Crab, however it can be distinguished by its teeth-like ridges on the inner edge of its pair of large pincers.



Rocky Shore 岩岸

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